Your generosity is changing lives

Simple and secure giving. Give one-time or schedule recurring giving using the options below.


Give Another Way?

Cash and/or cheques can be handed into the office, or via a cheque posted in the mail. Offering envelopes are available from the foyer if you wish your giving to remain private.

Electronic transfers, periodical or one‐off payments can be made into either our Bank SA operating account (preferred option) OR our LLL saving account as follows (please ensure you reference ‘offering’) please contact the office 

REG (Regular Electronic Giving) For those that wish to utilise the REG direct debit facility provided by the LLL, we have the appropriate forms available in the foyer, or you can access them on the website

Credit/Debit card facilities over the phone. Please give us a call on 8270 4466 if we can take a credit card payment for you over the phone.